Monday, 25 February 2019


Heller's work, Lorne Biennale, 2018

Congratulations to Brigit Heller 
on her selection as a finalist
in the Montalto Sculpture Prize, 2019

The 30 works will remain in situ at Montalto for 6 months so there's plenty of time to view.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Carolyn Cardinet IS EVERYWHERE


'the Queen of recycling'
showed at 


Cardinet's career blossoms following are some of her gigs for this year:

- Sustainable Living Festival  all Day to see The Threshold at The Great Local Lunch
10th February at Birrarung Marr along the Yarra

- Australian Tapestry workshop opening 12th February 6-8pm exhibition continues til 9 May 2019

- North Sydney Art Prize at the Coal Loader 2 Balls Head Drive - Waverton 2060 2-17 March 2019

- City of Whittlesea Community Festival art installation and kids workshop 17 March 2019 Whittlesea Public Gardens 158 Barry Road Lalor 11-5pm

- Bleached exhibition at the Alliance Française de Melbourne Grey St St Kilda Opening 6th April 3.30-5pm show 4 April-2 May 2019 51 Grey St St Kilda - Part of ClimArte festival 2019

- Murder on the Reef documentary projection at the Alliance Française de Melbourne Grey St St Kilda  at 6pm 51 Grey St St Kilda -book your ticket

- ClimArte 2019 (Climate + Art = Climarte) Festival