TONY WOODS, Untitled, (1966)
Acrylic on linen
Current: August 2016
79 Main Street BEEAC
WINDOWSPACE-BEEAC welcomes the work of
Tony Woods
Let’s call it ‘The Runners’ - the work is from May 1966.
It is the first in what is hoped will be an annual series of ‘favourite paintings’.
Paintings have been almost non-existant in WINDOWSPACE which seems to lend itself to installations, and performance. By contrast ‘the painting’ is strangely static, so this change of pace will be interesting, (if taunted by the subject in this instance).
Winter is a good time to sit back and look at someone else's work.
This favourite painting is inherited.
For some time in the 1970s it hung in a Melbourne advertising agency on St Kilda Road, later it moved to a suburban living room and then ....
Woods is a venerable painter - painting is what he has been doing all his life (although he also works with film and print-making).
This dedication requires a certain asceticism but does not exclude experimentation, certainly not, in the case of Woods, whose work is the result of constant experimentation.
This work, ’The Runners’, was painted in New York when he was there on a Harkness Fellowship. Most of his work of that period was destroyed by fire, so this painting is unusual in his oeuvre, in that following the fire, Woods returned to the relative surety of a consummate graphic, rather than expressive, manner. Wood's father was a pattern cutter and the 'tracery' of that skill must have seeped into his son's graphic passions.
It is interesting to note that ACCA (Melbourne) is currently showing the first of a series of two exhibitions titled
Painting, More Painting - (1#) 30 July - 28 August 2016
Artists and paint have a tenacious relationship, no matter how the world changes the urge to paint persists. Woods had a retrospective of his paintings at ACCA 6 June - 8 July 1990
The Tony Woods' painting on show at WINDOWSPACE in August has been a constant in this writer’s life and never tires in viewing.
It is hoped others will enjoy its stint in the WINDOWSPACE.
Woods extensive CV can be viewed here:

Tony Woods, Visual sequence, 1980 (detail). Courtesy the artist